Be A Trailblazer
Join Troop 7071 for Girls
Become a member of Athens County's first and only BSA Troop for girls
Who: All girls aged 10-17 are welcome to join our Troop
Who: Adults over the age of 21 are welcome to join as well
A 2023 Journey to Excellence Gold Level BSA Troop
Girls Aged 10-17
How to Join
Who can join:
- Girls age 10, If completed 5th grade or earned the cub scout "Arrow of Light" award
- Girls aged 11-17 with parent/guardian permission
Have Questions?
- Visit with the scouts at a troop Meeting
- Visit with the troop during an "Invite a friend" activity.
- Have your parent/guardian reach out to us using our online contact form
How to join
This is the easy part, all you need is to have your Parent or Guardian complete our online youth registration form.
Yes, there is a yearly registration
→ (see current fees section below)
Yes, scholarships are available.
Note: If appling for a scholorship. Do not complete the online youth application. Please contact us first.
Adults Aged 21 +
How to Join
Who can join:
- Adults aged 21 or older
- Parents & Guardians are encouraged to register as adult volunteers with their girl(s)
- Must pass a BSA background check
- Must complete the BSA youth protection course (online)
Have Questions?
- Information on the BSA youth protection program can be found here
Reach out to us using our online contact form
How to join
This is the easy part, complete our online adult registration form.
Yes, there is a yearly registration
→ (see current fees section below)
Membership & Registration Fees Breakdown
Yes, Full Scholarships are Available
Youth Fees (Yearly) = $160.00
→ All fees are prorated based on the month of registration.
Break Down
$25 Joining Fee (BSA mandated)
$75 National BSA Fee (BSA mandated)
$60 Simon Kenton Council Fee (Council Mandated)
$00 Troop Fee (The troop doesn't charge girls to join)
Total = $160.00 → will be prorated based on the month when registering
Note: Zero dollars of registration fees go to our troop
So if zero dollars of registration fees go to the troop, you might ask, how does the troop pay for things such as activities, awards, and patches? We do that through fundraising.
Because we are a scout-led troop, our fundraising activities vary. We have two general approaches to fundraising: scout-specific funds and troop funds.
Scout Specific: Scouts can raise funds for things like summer camp, registration fees, or other scouting needs.
Troop-specific: Scouts raise funds for troop needs, such as awards, patches, troop activities, and troop supplies.
Adult Fees (Yearly) = $60.00
→ All Fees are prorated based on the month of registration.
Break Down
$60 Joining Fee (BSA mandated)
$00 Troop Fee (Troop doesn't charge volunteers)
Note: Zero dollars of registration fees for our troop