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The Program



Sure there’s the adventure, the camping, and the skills, but the real genius of scouting is the leadership opportunities it provides. Scouts BSA has been developing the leaders of tomorrow for 110+ years! Girls in Scouting are learning lifelong lessons they’ll use to be successful throughout their lifetime.

Scouting offers more than 135 merit badges that cover Scouting skills such as camping and first aid, but also sports, hobbies, science, trades, business, technology, and even future careers. Scouts looking to advance through the higher ranks of Star, Life, and Eagle will need to earn a certain number of merit badges, including some that are specifically required.

Scouts BSA Troop 7071 is a scout-led troop. That means the youth leaders plan and lead the meetings and activities. In order to do that, there are Positions of Responsibility held by the scouts in the troop. Follow the links below for more information about each position.


As scouts progress through the program, they can advance in rank. Rank advancements take place when a scout has learned new skills and new information (for example fire safety, water rescue, and leave no trace) and can share what she has learned with the troop leaders as well as teach other scouts.

Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan

These are the rules we follow in running the Troop and in leading our daily lives. The Scout Motto and Scout Slogan are short things we try to do every day.  While the Scout Law and Scout Oaths are Lifelong codes of honor for building strong leaders.  Scouts memorize these things in order to receive their first rank of " “Scout”.

Scout Law

 Scout is Trustworthy.

A Scout tells the truth. She is honest, and she keeps her promises. People can depend on her.

A Scout is Loyal.

A Scout is true to her family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and nation.

A Scout is Helpful.

A Scout cares about other people. She willingly volunteers to help others without expecting payment or reward.

A Scout is Friendly.

A Scout is a friend to all. She is a sister to other Scouts. She offers her friendship to people of all races and nations and respects them even if their beliefs and customs are different from her own.

A Scout is Courteous.

A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. She knows that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.

A Scout is Kind.

A Scout knows there is strength in being gentle. She treats others as she wants to be treated. Without good reason, she does not harm or kill any living thing.

A Scout is Obedient.

A Scout follows the rules of her family, school, and troop. She obeys the laws of her community and country. If she thinks these rules and laws are unfair, she tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them.

A Scout is Cheerful.

A Scout looks for the bright side of life. She cheerfully does tasks that come her way. She tries to make others happy.

A Scout is Thrifty.

A Scout works to pay her own way and to help others. She saves for the future. She protects and conserves natural resources. She carefully uses time and property.

A Scout is Brave.

A Scout can face danger although she is afraid. She has the courage to stand for what she thinks is right even if others laugh at her or threaten her.

A Scout is Clean.

A Scout keeps her body and mind fit and clean. She chooses the company of those who live by high standards. She helps keep her home and community clean.

A Scout is Reverent.

A Scout is reverent toward God. She is faithful in her religious duties. She respects the beliefs of others.

Scout Oath

On my honor,

I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Scout Motto

Be Prepared!

Scout Slogan

Do a Good Turn Daily!

The Outdoor Code

As an American, I will do my best to -

Be clean in my outdoor manners

Be careful with fire

Be considerate in the outdoors, and

Be conservation-minded.

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